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Human Supremacy

Feb 4 - Mar 19, 2023


Tirtodipuran Link Building A

Likewise with veganism. Agugn chose this unpopular path after considering the health factors. Only after that did he plunge into the ideological aspects. He started to realize that eating food made of soulful beings could be ideologically problematic. He then tried to manifest this life path into his works. The problem is how can he do it? Or can his linocut works effectively address the issue of hidden “crime” in mankind for eating animals?

Artworks accompanied by narratives may have more bargaining value compared to "neutral" ones or those that only deal with formal aspects. The opportunity to engage in a dialogue with the audience and direct the dialogue into a desired narrative is a heavenly temptation for artists.

As a concept yet to become popular, veganism is now embodied and accommodated in every stroke and line of Agugn's linoleum artwork. The task of this work is to draw the audience to discuss the issue, or even to the extent of expecting them to leave their bloody diet to be "green".

Then, the moderate middle way brought by Agugn seems to find the context. He is here to open one door. Without the desire to patronize and lecture. It is an invitation to sit down to discuss an important matter, and to listen to criticisms in a gentle speech, accompanied by a perfect visual orchestra.

Agung Kurniawan

Exhibition View


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