Dede Cipon
Born 1995, Balikpapan
Lives and works in Yogyakarta
Dede Cipon’s fascination with life mysteries, which he calls “The Flow of Cosmos”, lies at the core of his works. Interested in various mystical, philosophical, and scientific subjects, he sought to learn, interpret, and express their beauty through his works. Currently, his work forms consist of drawing, painting, print, and some formats of digital work.
He earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts, from the Indonesian Institute of the Arts (ISI), Yogyakarta. His notable exhibitions include On Connectivity, Kohesi Initiatives, Yogyakarta (2022); Cosmic Dreams, Electric Reflections, SpaceHanjeom, Changwon, South Korea; Between Identity, Awor Coffee, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (2020); Yogya Annual Art #3, Sangkring Art Project, Yogyakarta, Indonesia; APIK, Galeri R.J. Katamsi, ISI Yogyakarta, Indonesia (2018); PERUPAMUDA#2, Bale Banjar Sangkring, Yogyakarta, Indonesia; Lingkar Rasa, Ruang Gulma, Yogyakarta, Indonesia; Color Of Chaos, Asmara Art & Coffee Shop, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (2017). Dede Cipon lives and works in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.